Last revised August 12, 2019
The name of the organization shall be the Pyrotechnics Guild International, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as "the Guild."
The purpose for which this Guild is formed is set forth in the articles of incorporation of the Guild. A summary of our four principal objects is:
The corporate powers, business and property of the Guild shall be exercised, conducted and controlled by a board of directors of five members.
For the purpose of conducting business, meetings will be held annually, with time and date to be decided by the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise specified by the Board, the annual convention and meeting will be held the second week of August, de¬fined as beginning the Saturday or Sunday following the first Friday. Business meetings will be held Monday and Thursday mornings of that week.
Consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order and Illinois law, a quorum for business meetings shall be 10% of the members attending the convention.
The corporate powers, business and property of the Guild shall be exercised and conducted by a Board of Directors of five members.
Each member of the Board of Directors must be a member in good standing in the Guild.
The officers, elected at the annual meeting of the members, shall be members of and comprise the Board of Directors. Terms shall be staggered so that the election of the President, Second Vice-President, and Communications Vice-President shall occur on even years, and, on odd years, the First Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected. The officers will serve for two years, unless sooner removed, or until their respective successors are installed. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon certification of their election, except for the Secretary-Treasurer, whose term of office shall begin on January 1st of the year following the election. The election shall be determined by a simple majority of those members voting when only two candidates are running. In the event that three or more candidates run, a plurality shall determine the winner.
The Board of Directors shall meet after each election at the annual meeting for the transaction of business.
The Board of Directors may meet thereafter electronically or at such time and place as the chair, with the consent of the majority of the Board of Directors, shall determine.
A majority of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to and shall constitute a quorum at such regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors.
(a) Whenever a vacancy in the Board of Directors shall occur, the Directors shall fill such vacancy by election, by majority vote of the entire Board, of some other member to fill such vacancy and such new director shall hold office until the election of a successor by the members, at the next regular meeting, to complete the remainder of that replaced director's term.
(b) Any director who ceases to be a member of the Guild shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Board of Directors.
(c) Any director who violates any purpose of this association in any particular way shall cease to be a member of the Board of Directors as soon as a majority of the directors shall have passed a resolution to that effect.
The Board of Directors shall not have the power to interfere with, in any manner, or to regulate the business and operation of the business of its Members, except as expressly authorized by these bylaws, the articles of incorporation and the operating agreement.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to regulate the business activities of its Members in attendance at the convention as follows:
The officers of the Guild shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Vice-President of Publications, and Secretary-Treasurer.
Said officers shall be elected by a majority vote (in the instance that three or more candidates vie for an office, a plurality shall determine the winner) of the members of the Guild present and voting at the annual meeting of the members, and shall hold office for two years, unless sooner removed or until their respective successors are elected and qualified. Whenever any vacancy among said officers shall occur, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 7, as for directors.
The Board of Directors may appoint or enter into contracts of employment with an executive secretary, such assistant secretaries and assistant treasurers and such other agents and employees, including counsel, as it may from time to time in its discretion determine, at such compensation as the Board of Directors may prescribe. Such agents shall have such powers as the Board of Directors may lawfully delegate.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Guild and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall, whenever he shall deem it necessary, call special meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall sign, as President, or delegate for signature, all documents requiring the signature of a chief executive Officer; and shall, if obtaining a majority vote of the Board of Directors, subject to the provisions for appointments in Article VI, Section 1, clause 2, facilitate the establishing of all Committees, Standing and Special, and may, in his discretion, if the Board of Directors consents, act as Chairman of committees of the Guild. He shall perform and discharge such other duties and shall have such other powers as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.
The First Vice-President shall perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of the President or in the case of physical or mental inability of the President to act and shall have such powers and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors shall, from time to time, prescribe.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all of the moneys of the Guild, giving his receipt thereof, and shall have the custody and control of all the funds, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors, and he shall keep a correct and accurate account of all moneys received and disbursed, and of the financial condition of the Guild, and he shall whenever required by the Board of Directors, prepare and submit a statement of financial condition of the Guild. His books shall at all times be open and accessible to inspection and audit by the Board of Directors or any Corporate (full) Members or Associate Members.
The Secretary-Treasurer, during his two-year term of office, must publish an annual financial statement which has been prepared by the Guild’s accounting firm. The financial statement can be a review or a compilation. A treasurer’s report and the financial statement shall be presented each year at the annual business meeting. The Board of Directors will approve the selection of the accounting firm and retains the authority to form an audit committee by a vote of a simple majority of the members.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct roll of the members of the Guild with their postal addresses. He shall collect all moneys for dues, assessments, or contributions. He shall take and keep correct and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association. The Board at its discretion may appoint a Recording Secretary to keep and maintain the minutes in his stead. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have such other duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.
The Second Vice-President shall have such duties as the Board of Directors shall from time to time prescribe.
The Vice-President of Communications shall have responsibility for all official PGI publications and media presence, whether in print or in electronic form, except as otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
Any complaint against any of the officers alleging neglect or unfaithful performance of his duties shall be made in writing, signed by three (3) members in good standing and addressed to the President (excepting any complaint against the President, in which event any such written complaint should be addressed to the First Vice-President).The complaint shall be presented by the President or by the First Vice-President, as appropriate, to the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose. The Board of Directors shall determine by a majority vote whether the complaint shall be dismissed or whether it shall be presented for a vote at the next annual meeting of the Guild. Removal from office, if necessary, is allowed under Article VII, Section 2 or Article V, Section 7(c).
The President, with the consent of a majority of the Board of Directors, may appoint standing committees, consisting of such Directors or members and for such terms and with such powers and duties, as it shall in its discretion determine. Said standing committees shall consider such specific matters and perform such specific functions as the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, prescribe.
The President, consistent with Article VII, Section 4, may from time to time appoint Special Committees of two or more Directors or Members for the performance of such duties and with such powers as may be prescribed and lawfully delegated to them.
Any person may be admitted to the Guild provided that he shall have paid membership or admission fees, as required by the bylaws, the articles of incorporation and any rules and all regulations adopted by the Board of Directors concerning qualifications of members, and have reached the age of eighteen years. Only individual persons will be considered for membership. No provision is made for corporate, organizational, or business entity memberships.
The Guild shall cause to be issued to each member in good standing, a certificate of membership in such form as may be approved by the Board of Directors, but neither said membership, nor certificate thereof, shall be assigned or assignable by said member.
The voting powers of the members shall be equal and each member shall be entitled to one vote. Members may vote for officers, for proposed bylaws changes, and for such other business as may come before the Guild only in person while attending duly constituted annual business meetings.
Any member may withdraw or resign from this Guild, in which event his resignation shall be effective as soon as received by the Board or by the Secretary-Treasurer.
In the event that any member knowingly violates these bylaws or any other provisions thereof, he shall be subject to suspension or expulsion as a member of the Guild.
Upon its own motion or upon a complaint in writing, signed by ten members of the Guild in good standing, charging any member with the violation of these bylaws or conduct adversely reflecting upon the Guild, the Board of Directors may, by vote of a majority of the whole Board, order the suspension or the expulsion of such member and terminate his certificate of membership.
All disciplinary procedures must be consistent with the provisions of these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the laws of Illinois and must afford the accused member the rights of due process, including an opportunity to present a defense.
All moneys belonging to the Guild shall be deposited in such bank or banks or invested as directed by the Board of Directors.
The members shall not be liable for the debts of this Guild except to the extent of any unpaid portion of their respective membership dues or assessment fees.
These bylaws may be altered or amended at the annual business meetings by a three–fourths majority vote of those members attending and voting at said business meetings. Modifications of and amendments to these bylaws require previous notice to the membership through publication of proposed changes in at least one issue of the Bulletin in the calendar year of and preceding the annual convention and business meeting.
The Guild shall adopt Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 9th Edition, and, when available, subsequent editions of Robert’s Rules of Order, as its parliamentary authority.
Upon the dissolution of the Guild, its assets shall be transferred to such charitable organizations as the Board shall designate, which then qualify as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provisions then in effect.